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We Fight for Employee Rights in Texas
The Houston employment attorneys at Wiley Wheeler, P.C. fight for employee rights. We represent employees in cases against businesses across Houston and South Texas. We bring focus, experience, and dedication to every employee we represent.

Attorney Kalandra Wheeler is an accomplished employment lawyer and is board certified in labor and employment law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. In 2019, Ms. Wheeler served as trial attorney in the case of Johnson v. Southwest Research Institute. A federal judge and jury awarded her client $1,088,524.41 for gender discrimination and retaliation ($550,914.94 for the client’s damages and $535,609.47 for attorney fees and costs). This win, as well as other successes, has earned Ms. Wheeler the reputation of a tough fighter who is not afraid to hold employers accountable in court.

We work hard to live up to the numerous outstanding reviews that our clients have written. We use our best efforts to provide every client honest, sound advice from beginning to end. To inquire about representation, schedule a face-to-face initial consult to discuss your case with one of our attorneys.

You can schedule an initial consultation by calling (713) 337-1333 or use our online booking calendar by completing the form below.
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